List of Works

1 Andrus, "Quote Design", Adobe InDesign, Pamphlet 12x20 & Panel 15x20, Class assignment, Typography & Publication   Design, Fall 2011
Using typography I was to design 12 quotes, visually expressive of its contents and put them into a pamphlet design. In addition design a pocket and mounting surface to visually connect with the pamphlet.

2 Andrus, "Graphic Reduction Project", Adobe Illustrator, 11x17, Class Assignment, Visual Communications, Spring 2012
The object of this project was to start with an animal of your choice and make it into a simplified reduction. After that I took the reduction and made a configuration with the letter P. And finally I created and designed an identity (Panda Pajamas). These pictures are showing my process to create an identity.

3 Andrus, "Joker Portrait/Poster, Adobe Illustrator & InDesign, 8.5x11, Class Assignment & Poster Self-directed, Color Theory, Fall 2010
With this assignment I was to create a portrait using only the elements in Adobe Illustrator and have it in all color no black and white. I did the poster as a self-directed project. I wanted to create a movie poster for “The Dark Knight” and incorporated my joker portrait into it.

4 Andrus, "Word Marks", Adobe Illustrator, 8x8, Class Assignment, Experimental Typography, Spring 2012
The object was to experiment with different ways to compose letters into word marks according to the word I drew from the pile of adjectives. For me the word was fanatic and I experimented and made word marks that would match what the word fanatic meant.

5 Andrus, "New Zealand Newsletter", Adobe Illustrator & Indesign, 8.5x11, Class Assignment, Digital Page Composition, Fall 2011
In this assignment I was to create and design a newsletter with pull-quotes, articles and images using adobe Illustrator. I used InDesign for all the text and Illustrator for the design of my newsletter.

6 Andrus, "Hope For Haiti Poster", Pencil drawing, 8x11, Class Assignment, Drawing 1, Spring 2010
In light of the Haiti disaster we were assigned to create an art noveau themed poster to promote people to help Haiti.

7 Andrus, "Type Form Publication", Adobe InDesign, 11x8.5, Class Assignment, Typography and Publication Design, Fall 2011.
Using InDesign, I was to set up a multi-page, interactive publication documenting all my typographic study and research I have learned in Typography and Publication Design.

8 Andrus, "Recipe Publication", Adobe InDesign, 29x13 Printout, Class Assignment, Typography and Publication Design, Fall 2011.
I was given 4 recipes and was to design each page as if was for a single cookbook publication. I was to make sure the recipes had layout variance throughout the document and that it was within a constant and visible framework.

9 Andrus, "Type Anatomy", Adobe Illustrator, 11x17, Class assignment, Typography and Publication Design, Fall 2011. 
The object was to make typographic anatomy study. I would take type letters and make them into an image, but the image couldn’t be anything from real life, just an image.  In addition I took my anatomy study and expanded it into color.

10 Andrus, "Letter Patterns", Adobe Illustrator, 11x17, Class assignment, Experimental Typography, Spring 2012.
We did pattern studies using only two typefaces to create patterns. After I finished my four patterns I was to choose two of my four patterns for expansion into color and further inquiries into Gestalt theory. We were to experiment in the color studies to create anomaly, figure/ground ambiguity, rhythm, and 3d spatial illusion.