BFA Artist Statement

When it comes to my design work, I would describe it as being an assortment of various things I find interesting in my life: family, friends, music, art, movies, and food. I use graphic design to reinterpret and publish my interests, allowing others to see what I see. I am studying in the Visual Communication department at Weber so I can get better understanding on how to adapt my designs to communicate effectively and better than language. I believe being accepted into the BFA program will help me reach my full potential.
I admit I am still working on my style and I am always continuing to progress forward in my art to learn more about visual communication. In my designs I try to communicate as much as I can with minimal means. Something I have noticed in my work is that I tend to be more regimented and structured in my layouts, sticking to the traditional conventions of typography while on the other end I can also be very experimental too. In addition, I try to use space, type and, images in many different ways to achieve balance and to layout my designs in a communicative manner. My influence in my design is everything I see, feel, and experience such as nature, music, movies, and other artwork. To me art itself is a type of language and does not exist in one form but is expressive in a variety of mediums.  I enjoy drawing, illustrating, and designing digitally and in my art process I choose to work in whatever medium the idea/message calls for. Like my personality, my work is also subject to change and grows with more time and experience.
I anticipate in the future semesters to improve my designs to communicate better and to become more in tune with the goals and objectives that I am to expect in a visual communication career. When I went to Weber my first year I thought I knew a lot about visual communication. But I was mistaken. Many of the professors here in the art department made me realize that there is so much more to learn about graphic design and art in general. I am now learning more about graphic design and constantly see it everywhere, in logos, clothing, signs, magazines, newspapers, billboards, and on every single piece of merchandise that is being bought or sold. In addition, I learned that images are incredibly powerful and effective tools of communication, conveying not only information but also emotions and feelings. I relate this to the saying of “a picture is worth a thousand words.” Design is able to make tomorrow’s world a better place; it shapes cultures and furthers understanding among people all over the world.
In the future I hope to be able to work in a graphic design job in which I can create fliers, posters, publications, newsletters, billboards, and other advertising projects. I tend to be leaning more towards marketing/branding design; creating designs that will interact and communicate with the viewer. I understand that my future job will be to present ideas to the client and to save the client from themselves; meeting with them and providing them with effective and good design that will achieve the end product they want; helping them see how little changes in type, color, shape, and tone can produce a visually communicative design.
I believe that once I graduate I will continue to progress artistically and be able to move forward into the graphic design field with the skills I have learned from my education at Weber State. I anticipate that the path I choose will allow me to creatively express myself while making a career out of something I love doing.